- Please signal to the driver your intention to board an oncoming bus
- No passenger shall attempt to board or alight from a moving vehicle.
- All passengers are to pay the full fare or present an authorised concession ticket prior to boarding the vehicle.
- Passengers must retain their ticket for the length of their journey.
- The operator has the right to refuse to carry any person, adult or minor or to seek to remove from the vehicle any passenger who is intoxicated, drugged, dirty or behaving in a manner which is dangerous or offensive to other passengers, or who refuses to obey a reasonable request made by an Operator under these circumstances.
- No person shall threaten with violence or abuse or willfully assault any passenger or operator.
- No operator or passenger shall smoke any substance/device on any vehicle at any time
- No passenger shall consume food or drink in any vehicle, spit, nor deface or damage either the vehicle or street furniture.
- Any child traveling free of charge or on a child fare shall not occupy a seat whilst other adult passengers are standing and when requested by an Operator will vacate any seat to allow a standing adult passenger to be seated.
- No animals other than a properly certified guide dog (or guide dog under training) shall accompany any passenger on the vehicle.
- Neither the Company or the Regional Council accept any responsibility for any parcels, packages, luggage or other goods placed or left in any vehicle.
- Any incidents must be reported promptly (within 24 hours) to either the Operator or the Regional Council.
- No bikes are allowed on buses
- Please use headphones if listening to music

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